Welcome readers, or more known as Learners. Learners take the address "vrlearners" because We Are Learners! As you can see this site is for Learners. Everyone is a Learner, the difference is about what we learn. Here, we would like to gather all Learners with same interest and we Learn together. For Academic, we will put up notes for subjects; For Games, we will put up strategies or even ways to play just like "Dummies" for Games ... etc. We hope each of you will benefit this site and learn something worth learning. If you feel there are still some doubt or feel itchy to talk about Learning, just click into our Forum and you will find a bunch of Learners. There you are allowed to Learn through chats, plays and more.
Later, we will keep the post on about new things we are adding. We will also add some features so that Learners will really enjoy their time learning.