Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cardiovascular Disease



1. Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure.

2. It is defined as systemic arterial blood pressure which constantly remains at a high level (above 140/90 mmHg).

3. Through survey, 30% of Malaysians suffer from hypertension.

4. Secondary hypertension is hypertension caused by other disease. 5% of Malaysian suffer from secondary hypertension.

5. Primary hypertension is caused by process not fully understood or fully known. It covers 90% of Malaysian hypertension patients.


Primary Hypertension

1. Arteriosclerosis

2. Genetic factors

3. Excessive intake of salt and cholesterol

4. Obesity

5. Smoking

6. Tension and stress

7. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise

8. Alcohol consumption

9. Use of contraceptive pills

* Note that the actual cause is still unknown. These are mostly believed causes.


1. Dizziness (esp. morning)

2. Buzzing sound in the ears

3. Bleeding nose

4. Blur vision

5. Flushes in the face

6. Frequent urinating (incontinence)

7. Difficulty in breathing

8. Swelling feet


1. Heart

2. Kidney

3. Brain


1. Exercise

2. Lose Weight

3. Reduction of tension in life

4. Reduction of salt and cholesterol intake

5. Stay away from cigarettes and alcohol






1. Genetic factory

2. Diet

3. Smoking

4. Stress

5. Sedentary lifestyle

6. Alcohol consumption

7. Age

8. Gender

9. Other disease




Myocardial Infarction




1. Diet/nutrition

2. Stress

3. Genetic

4. Body weight

5. Age

6. Smoking

7. Gender

8. Other diseases


1. Exercise

2. Consume healthy food (low cholesterol, salt and saturated fat)

3. Don't/reduce smoking

4. Relax and stress-free lifestyle

5. Seek medical help once unhealthy symptoms surfaces

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Les Choristes With English Subtitles

It's so happy to find this one. Finally I found the whole Les Choristes movie in Google Video which have English suntitles. You will learn much through this one!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Roles of Hormones in Plant Growth and Development


1. Phototropism

2. Cell Elongation

3. Apical Dominance

4. Parthenocarpy

5. Flowering

6. Delay Abscission

7. Activates Cambium

8. Growth of Lateral Roots



1. Break Seed Dormancy

2. Bolting

3. Dwarf to Normal

4. Growth of Lateral Roots





Abscisic Acid (ABA)



Monday, May 19, 2008

Chapter 11: Hormones/Chemical Coordination

@ Syllabus


@ Roles of Hormones in Plant Growth and Development


Chapter 11 Syllabus

11.1 Humans

11.1.1 Hormonal Action

- Mechanism of hormone action via gene activation; examples: steroid hormones

- Mechanism of non-steroid hormone via activation of cyclic AMP system (cascade effect); examples: adrenaline

- Comparison between the two action mechanisms

11.1.2 Role of hormones in reproduction

- Site of production and the role of hormones in oestrus cycle

- Site of production and role of hormone during pregnancy

11.2 Plants

- Role of hormones in plant growth and development

11.2.1 Auxin: Growth of organs

11.2.2 Giberellin: Root and shoot induction

11.2.3 Cytokinin

11.2.4 Abscisic Acid (ABA): Apical and bud dominance

11.2.5 Ethene: Seed dormancy, flowering, abscission, senescence, fruit ripening, stomatal mechanism, parthenocarpy

- Interaction betweeb hormones; examples: apical dominance

11.3 Phytochromes and the effect of light on flowering

- Definition of phytochrome

- Mechanism of phytochrome action

- Role of phytochromes in photoperiodism and flowering

Chapter 13: Reproduction

@ Syllabus


Chapter 13 Syllabus

13.1 Sexual Reproduction

13.1.1 Plants

- Refer topic 22 (Biodiversity) for morphological characteristics

- Structure of sexual reproductive organ

- Life cycle with emphasis on sexual reproduction:

i) Algae: Spirogira

ii) Bryophyta: Marchantia

iii) Filicinophyta: Dryopteris

iv) Coniferophyta: Pinus

v) Angiospermophyta: Caesalpinia

13.1.2 Fungi: Mucor

- Refer to topic 22 (Biodiversity) for morphological characteristics

- Structure of sexual reproductive organ

- Life cycle with emphasis on sexual reproduction

13.1.3 Animals

- Refer topic 22 (Biodiversity) for morphological characteristics

- Diversity of sexual reproductive systems and overall comparison

- Mechanism of fertilization (internal and external)

- Oviparity, Ovoviviparity and Viviparity

i) Ciliophora: Paramecium

ii) Cnidaria: Hydra

iii) Annelida: Pheretima

iv) Arthropoda: Periplaneta

v) Amphibia: Rana

vi) Reptilia: Naja

vii) Aves: Columba

ix) Mammalia: Rattus

13.2 Asexual Reproduction

- Definition and examples only

13.2.1 Parthenogenesis

- Aphis and Apis

13.2.2 Paedogenesis

- Amphioxus

13.2.3 Polyembriony

- Fasciola

13.2.4 Sporulation

- Dryopteris and Plasmodium

13.2.5 Budding

- Hydra and Saccharomyces

13.2.6 Binary fission

- Amoeba

13.2.7 Regeneration

- Planaria

13.2.8 Vegetative

- Allium, Solanum, Yucca, Zingiber