Monday, May 19, 2008

Chapter 11 Syllabus

11.1 Humans

11.1.1 Hormonal Action

- Mechanism of hormone action via gene activation; examples: steroid hormones

- Mechanism of non-steroid hormone via activation of cyclic AMP system (cascade effect); examples: adrenaline

- Comparison between the two action mechanisms

11.1.2 Role of hormones in reproduction

- Site of production and the role of hormones in oestrus cycle

- Site of production and role of hormone during pregnancy

11.2 Plants

- Role of hormones in plant growth and development

11.2.1 Auxin: Growth of organs

11.2.2 Giberellin: Root and shoot induction

11.2.3 Cytokinin

11.2.4 Abscisic Acid (ABA): Apical and bud dominance

11.2.5 Ethene: Seed dormancy, flowering, abscission, senescence, fruit ripening, stomatal mechanism, parthenocarpy

- Interaction betweeb hormones; examples: apical dominance

11.3 Phytochromes and the effect of light on flowering

- Definition of phytochrome

- Mechanism of phytochrome action

- Role of phytochromes in photoperiodism and flowering

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