Friday, February 22, 2008

Overturning Momories To Reacquaint-Leehom Wang

From a delicate, sunshine "super idol" to a brilliant golden melody king, Leehom Wang's yearly down-to-earth musical efforts are witnessed by all fans. Regarding his excellent performance, some attribute his success to luck while some believe that his hard work paid off. But at the bottom of his heart, "engaging in music like it's a lifelong career" is his one and only way of leaping to success.

Age 2 - Leehom wanted to be a cowboy or cop

Age 3 - Leehom develops an interest for music

Age 6 - Started to learn how to play the violin in elementary school

Age 7 - Played as a pitcher for a baseball team

Age 8 - Started to learn how to play the piano. When Leehom was 9 years old his little brother Leekai was born

12岁-他进入中学,而且开始学习法文,同年他也加入了Rochester(罗契斯特) P.Y.O. ;
Age 12 - Entered middle school and started learning French. The same year he entered Rochester P.Y.O

Age 15 - Started making music, wrote sentimental songs, took part in the play "Briyadoor"

17岁--参与舞台剧「Hello Dolly」;
Age 17 - Took part in the play "Hello Dolly"

18岁--参与舞台剧「Kiss Me Kate」,他毕业于Monroe County Public High School,并且通过了Eastman Music School小提琴测验,同年9月,他进入了Williams College。
Age 18 - Took part in the play "Kiss Me Kate," graduated from Monroe County Public High School as well as passing the Eastman Music School violin test. In September of the same year he entered Williams College.

Persistent to the principle: do the best of your abilities

筑梦踏实、丝毫不好高鹜远,正和力宏自我要求的一面不谋而和。8岁时,他曾和哥哥一起做过报童的工作,兄 弟俩每天清晨,天还没亮就起床,不论大风大雪,风雨无阻地清晨7点前就要把报纸送到家家户户的门前,这个 工作,他们一起合作了7年,直到哥哥高中毕业,才停止这份工作。而他们还得了被报社表扬「最优良的报童」 的殊荣,并得到6,000元的奖学金。正因为这个打工经验,培养了力宏诚实、负责任、面对挑战的个性,生活 上,碰到的任何状况,始终坚持尽其在我的原则。

Reaching for a practical dream coincidentally concurs with Leehom's standards. When he was 8 years old he use to deliver newspapers with his older brother. The brothers would wake up before it was even bright. Rain or shine they had to deliver the newspapers to every household before 7am. They worked together on this job for 7 years, until his older brother graduated from high school.They also received the honor of being praised as the "best paper boys" by the newspaper office. In addition they received a $6,000 scholarship. The experience from this job has helped Leehom grow up to be honest and responsible and confront challenges. No matter what he runs into in life, he will always persist in doing the best of his abilities.

His passion for music

「我对日常生活中的任何声音,譬如说,人与人的交谈、电话铃声、车声、门铃声都可以转换成乐谱,我对 Sound的灵敏程度,连我自己都很讶异!」王妈妈亦称赞力宏从小对音乐的感觉和表现力,是比一般孩子强得 多,力宏在7岁到8岁时,学了2年的钢琴,后来因为老师要离开当地,妈妈又怀了弟弟,生活的忙碌,让他没有 再继续下去。高中时,王爸爸、王妈妈却常在深夜,被美丽的钢琴声吵醒。下楼之后,发现力宏一个人聚精会神 的在弹钢琴,弹得不是什么世界名曲,而是他临机一动的即兴曲子,他说:「这是他最relax的时候了」。或 许,正因为这与生俱来、对音乐的热情,「我早就认为自己一定会成为艺人!」,力宏肯定地说。

"For any sound in everyday life, such as conversations between people, telephone, cars, doorbell, I can change all of this into music. I'm even surprised myself by my sensitivity to sound." Mrs. Wang also praises Leehom. Ever since he was young, his feelings for music and performing was stronger than ordinary children. When Leehom was 7 or 8 years old he had learned to play the piano for 2 years. Later, because his teacher moved and his mother was pregnant with his little brother, a busy life prevented him from continuing. During high school, Mr. and Mrs. Wang was awakened in the middle of the night by beautiful piano melodies. When they went downstairs they found Leehom playing the piano attentively. What he was playing wasn't any world renowned song but something he composed on the spot. "This is when he's most relaxed." Perhaps he was born with this passion for music , "I have always believed that I would be a performer!" Leehom said with certainty.

Setting foot on the road to music

选择走上音乐之路的力宏,在高中毕业之时即认真思考了自己的前途,在毛遂自荐主动出击的方式下,他寄了一 卷录像带给他的表叔李建复,内容今括他的舞台剧、合唱团、小提琴、钢琴、自弹自唱等等的才艺表演力宏回忆 着,「真的感谢表叔的赏识,他看了我的录像带后,就推荐给制作人-李寿全老师签了2年的合约」。1996年春 天,力宏正式在台湾发行了首张个人专辑-「情敌贝多芬」,学历高、气质佳又有偶像魅力的他,当下脱颖而出 在众多新人之中,成为佼佼者。这傲人的成绩,除了自己的努力,力宏说:大家的认同和肯定,是我最大的原动 力,所以,在未来的路上,他决定用行动来表达自己的谢意,且承诺,「我一定不会让你们失望的」。

Choosing to walk the road to music, Leehom seriously considered his future when he graduated from high school. He took the initiative to recommend himself, sending a video to his uncle Li Jian Fu. The video contained his plays, chorus, violin, piano, singing and playing, etc. performances. Leehom recalled, "I really thankful for my uncle's appreciation. When he saw my video he recommended it to Producer Li Shou Quan and a 2 year contract was signed."In the spring of 1996 Leehom officially released his debut album in Taiwan entitled, "Qing Di Bei Duo Fen" (Love Rival Beethoven). With a good academic record, excellent temperament and the charms of an idol, talent showed itself, making him stand out from the other newbies. This overbearing man's performance, besides being hardworking, Leehom said, "Everyone's acknowledgement and confirmation is my biggest motivation". Therefore, on the road that lied ahead, he decided to use action to express his gratitude. Moreover, he promised, "I definitely won't let you guys be disappointed."

Desired music since young

王力宏出生于美国纽约州的Rochester城,从小生长在优渥富裕的环境,让王力宏身边不时充斥着爸妈小心翼翼 的呵护。谈起在自己生命中和「音乐」第一类接触的年纪,王力宏顿时不发一语,努力回想着这个值得纪念的日 子,从他的眼神里,不难发现那该是一个距离现在二十四岁非常遥远的年纪。「我记得在我三岁的时候,哥哥当时正开始和音乐老师学小提琴,我在哥哥身边常常看着他一个音阶一个音阶的 拉出旋律,很神奇很有感觉,于是我便吵着妈咪也要学小提琴。」在王妈妈拗不过他强硬的坚持下,赶紧贴心替 他订做一把「迷你小提琴」,展开王力宏在音乐路上的旅程。虽然当时只有三岁,王力宏连手指都小到根本无法 按琴把上的琴弦,不过对「学习音乐」的渴望,王力宏清楚知道那是他「主动」要求的。

Leehom was born in United States in the city of Rochester, New York. Growing in a well-off environment, Leehom was often under the protection and care of his parents. When talking about his first interaction with music and how old he was at that time, Leehom didn't speak and reminisced this day worthy of commemorating. From the look in his eyes, it's not hard to discover that it was an age far from his current age of 24. "I remember when I was 3 years old my older brother just started taking violin lessons. I would frequently watch him at the side playing a melody full of scales. It was very mysterious and sensational. Therefore I begged my mother to let me learn how to play the violin." Under his strong persistence, Mrs. Wang hurriedly made him a "mini violin," launching Leehom's journey on the road to music. Although he was only 3 years old at the time and his fingers were too small to press the strings, but his desire to "learn music," Leehom knew very clearly that he took the "initiative" to ask for it.

Studying medicine, studying law, lack of interest

出生在医生家庭,王力宏有一位优秀的医生爸爸,同时还是医学院中的教授,在耳濡目染之下,从小一家人聚在 一块吃饭的时间,就是大家一起谈论医学、科学的时间。「哥哥遗传了爸爸,在学校的成绩优异,永远是我们那 一学区的个中翘楚。尤其他还得到美国布什总统的亲笔信函,只因为他当时类似大学联考的成绩,算是全国第一 高分。有时候父兄在饭桌上讨论着医药科学,我总是心不在焉,身边的妈咪看出端倪,一句『力宏,有没有注意 听?』还会让当时的我『粉』不悦。」对于哥哥无懈可击的读书成绩,王力宏虽倍感压力,不过他知道这是属于哥哥的路、哥哥的模式;同样的,他明 白自己也能如此一般的优秀,只不过从医、从法对他而言兴趣缺缺,只有对于音乐的热爱,才是他始终如一的人生标的。「我从国小开始,就常常和身边志同道合的好朋友一起针对老师的作业多加构思,人家都是规规矩矩交报告,我 偏偏爱与众不同。」常常将作业形式用音乐、表演的方式呈现,让老师同学对于王力宏留下深刻的印象。有时候,王力宏还会自定主题,邀好友一块编剧、配乐,然后表演给同学看,那种满足感王力宏引以自豪。

Being born in a family with a medical background, Leehom has an outstanding father, who is a doctor as well as a professor for a college of medicine. Influenced by his surroundings, when he was young, when his family gathered around the dinner table it was time for everyone to discuss medicine and science."My older brother inherited from my dad, his performance in school was excellent, always one of the most outstanding in the school. In particular, he also received a letter personally written by US President Bush's because his college entrance exam score regarded as the highest score in the country. Sometimes when my dad and brother talked about medicine at the dinner table I would be absent-minded. My mom would notice and as, 'Leehom, are you listening?' And would make me frown." Regarding his older brother's exceptional performance in school, Leehom was under pressure but he knew that this was his brother's path, his brother's method; at the same time he knew that he could be generally outstanding also except he didn't have any interest for medicine or law. His love for music was his only goal from the beginning to the end. "Since elementary school, along with my friends we would often counteract with the teacher's assignments and add some extra things. Everyone else would hand in their reports following the rules while I loved to be different from the others." Leehom left teachers and students a deep impression because use music and performance to do school work. Sometimes, Leehom would decide on a theme and invite his friends to make up a story with music that went along with it and perform it to other students. That sense of satisfaction made Leehom proud.

Always absorbed in music, skills are down-to-earth

随着年纪增长,王力宏的音乐表演也越发纯熟,从小提琴、钢琴,再到无师自通的吉他,多种乐器的精通让他顺利透过甄试进入了音乐学校Williams College,「从高中起,学校让我的音乐知识累积得相当迅速,上了大学和一群死党相互磋音乐理念,激发出不同的火花。」在大学四年的光阴里,王力宏演而优则导,担任了音乐剧的编剧、作曲甚至是音乐指导,问起王力宏为何在发片之后仍然不停埋头苦读,王力宏表示:「『学生歌手』的身分,让我的音乐表现更加丰硕,也造就了我如今能用音乐不断感动人的实力。」十五岁开始,王力宏将生活体认转化为串串音符,用音乐真实记录心情点滴。这项才能受到表叔李建复的欣赏, 将这位外型清秀、音乐底子深厚的表侄介绍给台湾知名音乐人李寿全,真正展开王力宏在台湾流行音乐界的发 展。在王力宏为第一张国语专辑走通告的时候,台湾的观众都以为他是一位害羞、不爱说话的歌手,王力宏回忆四年前表示,「其实天晓得我当时有多想表达我在音乐上的想法和歌迷一块分享,尤其当时的综艺节目只要歌手 抢话,镜头就会特别多,只是当时我的中文真的是一窍不通,连主持人的问题都听得迷迷糊糊,有一搭没一搭, 更别说完完整整的回答。」回想当时走通告一路下来有苦难言,不服输的自尊心作祟,他深觉中文要「轮转」是他此时刻不容缓、当务之急要做的功课。于是靠着一股热忱,王力宏到师大继续接受中文训练,并且在唱片公司 的协助下找了国语正音的老师来上课,扎实的一字一句慢慢吸收,总算弥补了心里的挫折感。当时我还是一个歌坛新人身分,不过却一连四个礼拜连着上『龙兄虎弟音乐教室』的单元,真的很感激当时的 制作单位以及菲哥给我机会,对一个新手来说,当时节目收视率之高,让为数不少的台湾观众认识我。」王力宏 心存感激的说,「当然除了菲哥、瓜哥之外,我也很感谢宗宪大哥对我的支持,我觉得他那颗热爱音乐的心和我 其实是不相上下的,因为每一次我上通告之前,他只要看我拿着吉他在后台哼哼唱唱,他一定会马上凑过来一块 共襄盛举」。当时靠「罗马拼音」土法炼钢的方式将上过的节目、主持人的大名记在笔记本内,王力宏细心的举动,让各节目 主持人对他多加疼爱,相对的减少了不少新人难免遇到的窘境。顶着「优质偶像」的封号,在福茂唱片的岁月 里,王力宏的音乐成绩虽然一直没有外型来的亮眼,不过他靠着一边在美国音乐学校进修,一边真实完整用音乐 记录生活的创作形式,让他的音乐修为越发成熟,他甚至在Williams College的毕业音乐剧里担任导演、编剧及 作曲。在毕业典礼当天,他终于见到了心目中的音乐偶像马友友,「马教授送我的一句毕业赠言,顿时让我的感 触良多,他用过来人的语气提醒我,『一个音乐人最重要的功课,是努力寻找到自己的声音』!」努力参悟这句 话其中的真谛,并且不断在音乐上尝试寻找自己的声音,王力宏融合了以往用音乐记录生活的创作形式,在「公 转自转」创作专辑中音乐表现一日千里,真正突破了过去的瓶颈,并且一举获得金曲奖的肯定。「得到金曲奖, 我想对一个音乐人来说真的是一种肯定与鼓励,不过毕竟这样的肯定是短暂的,持续在音乐上的努力和成绩才是 我现在和未来最重要的功课。」王力宏认真的说道。

Along with his age, Leehom's musical performance also improves more and more. From the violin to piano to teaching himself the guitar, his proficiency in various instruments allowed him to enter Williams College without a hitch. "Starting from high school, school had increased by musical knowledge tremendously. When I went to college I studied music with a gang of friends, arousing a different spark." Within those 4 years of college, Leehom performed and directed; writing a play, composing music as well as directing music. When asked why he still insisted on studying after releasing an album, Leehom expressed, "Being a 'student artist' allowed my musical performance to be richer and has developed the strength I have today to use music to touch people."Beginning at the age of 15, Leehom's life consisted of music notes, using music to record every drop of emotion. This talent received the admiration of his uncle Li Jian Fu, who introduced his refined and musically capable nephew to Taiwan's famous music man Li Shou Quan, officially unfolding Leehom's development in Taiwan's popular music field. When Leehom was promoting his debut Mandarin album, Taiwan audiences thought he was a shy singer who didn't speak much. Leehom recalled 4 years ago, "Actually, only God knew how much I wanted to express and share my thoughts on music with fans. Especially, at that time the entertainment programs would give you a lot of camera time except my Chinese back then was pretty bad. I could hardly make out the host's questions, I knew some but not others and I didn't answer completely." Recalling those days it was hard to speak of the difficulties. His pride, not accepting defeat, was mischievous, he really thought that to "accomplish" Chinese was something he needed to learn immediately, his highest priority. As a result, relying on enthusiasm, Leehom continued to receive Chinese lessons. In addition, with the help of his record company, he attended classes with a Mandarin pronunciation teacher, grasping every letter and word. At last he mended the frustration in his heart."At that time I was still a newbie in the music field but I was on "Long Xiong Fu Di Yin Yue Jiao Shi" (Older Brother Dragon Younger Brother Tiger Music Classroom) for 4 weeks in a row. I'm really grateful for the manufacturing unit and Fei Ge for giving me an opportunity. For a newbie, the high ratings of a program allowed many Taiwan spectators to get to know me." Leehom said with appreciation, "Of course besides Fei Ge and Gua Ge, I'm also very thankful for Zong Xian Ge's support. I think his love for music is equal to mine, because every time I'm preparing for a promotion, when he sees me singing and humming with a guitar backstage he would come over to collaborate." At that time he depending on "Romanized pinyin" to go on programs. He would write down the host's name in a notebook. Leehom's conscientious actions made each host love him even more. This helped him to avoid many embarrassing moments many newbies encountered. Carrying on the nickname "super idol," during his years with Fu Mao Record Company although his musical performance wasn't as flourishing as it seemed, but depending on his studies in America and the completing the production of using music to record his life, his music was embellished and more mature. He even acted as director, screenwriter, and composer for Williams College's graduation musical. On the day of graduation, he finally saw his idol Ma You You. "Professor Ma's words to me really gave me a stir. He warned me as an experienced person, 'A musician's most important homework is to strive to find their voice!'" Working hard to find the true meaning to this phrase and constantly trying to search for his own voice in music, Leehom blended his previous creations, which used music to record his life, into his "Gong Zhuan Xi Zhuan" (Revolution) and made tremendous progress in his music, officially breaking through his former bottleneck. Furthermore he raised the confirmation of winning at the Golden Melody Awards. "I think winning at the Golden Melody Awards is really a kind of confirmation and encouragement for a musician. But all in all this confirmation is short-lived, continuing to work hard on music and performance is my most important homework right now and in the future," Leehom said earnestly.

Leehom talks about his experiences

力宏说:「很多人问我还这么年轻,就要承受唱片销售的压力,会不会很痛苦?其实最初并没有任何压力,因为 我也不知道台湾的乐迷可以接受我到怎么样的程度,也许是以前和哥哥竞争惯了,使得我相信人要有挑战才能进 步!而来台湾都是利用寒暑假,平时在学校除了练琴、上课外,其余的时间就用来创作,幸运的是可以在台湾发 行的唱片里唱自己的创作的歌,这种感觉真的很棒!「高中时,演歌舞剧终于当上了男主角,在台上有一段换衣服的戏,还要边跳舞边唱歌,没想到跳一跳裤子拉炼 松了,引起台下一阵掌声,自己还以为是表演的太好,获得热烈回响呢!不知怎么的我,一唱现场时会很紧张,刚出道的时候额头都会冒汗,结果发现,越紧张越唱不好,国庆表演那 天,爸妈和朋友制作人都在台下,我要上台前几乎紧张的神智不清。 许多人在青春期都肯定有自己的问题,我也不例外,我生长在一个医生家庭,爸爸哥哥都是医生,我的哥哥十分 杰出,从小到大都是前三名,高中毕业时因为成绩太优异,当时的总统柯林顿还特地致函勉励,有这样的哥哥虽 然觉得骄傲,但心里压力也很大,好象我怎么努力也追不上他,唯一让我有信心的就是音乐,那时很想做个音乐 人而不敢说,所以Teenage的时候常都是在大人的期望和自己的兴趣中摆荡着,现在觉得是自己没有信心,人该 要做想要做的事情,才会做得更好,也会变成一个比较快乐的人。 小时候的我很迟钝喔!虽然长大以后体育呱呱叫,但我们三兄弟小时候都是那种体育很拙的小孩,就是那种:球 来了!球打来了!碰一下打到脸的那一种,所以小时候上体育课都被同学笑的半死,然后长的瘦瘦小小,似乎脸 上就写着:拜托!球不要再打过来了! 高中的时候,妈妈管我们十分严格,出去玩要先报备,而且不能超过十二点,不过我老犯规,记得有一次最离 谱,朋友约我去看球赛,我们就上了公车,没想到比赛地点是在另一个城市,我们看完回来车子又拋锚,累得快 疯掉,回到家以经凌晨两点了,妈坐在客厅铁青着脸,我就想:完啦!完啦!果然.....我整整被罚了一个月的门 禁。我是一个很钻牛角尖的人,一个作品还没有修好前,我是无法走出房间的,我在波士顿盖了间录音室,我可以待 在那边好几天,那房间一边是我的床,其它的就是满满的录音器材,我可以封闭好几天,如果碰到不满意,我会 难过一整天,非常不舒服,你从外面就可以听到我的长吁短叹,不过做出满意作品,你会看到我像疯子一样乐不可支。」

Leehom said, "Many people have asked me if it was difficult to undertake the pressures of album sales at such a young age. Actually at first I wasn't under any pressure at all because I wasn't sure how well Taiwan fans would accept me. Perhaps I was use to it from competing with my older brother, causing me to believe that humans need challenges to improve! And I took advantage of winter and summer break to come to Taiwan. Usually besides practicing instruments and attending classes, the remaining time was used for composing. I was lucky enough to be able to sing my own composition in my album released in Taiwan, this feeling is awesome!"During high school, I finally got to be the male lead for a musical. There was a scene where I had to change clothes while singing and dancing. I never imagined that the zipper to my pants would unzip while dancing. This aroused a round of applauses. And I thought I received a warm response because of my great performance!When singing live I would become really nervous. When I first debuted, my forehead would be full of sweat. I then found that the more nervous I was the worse I sang. On National Day, my parents, friends and manager were below the stage. Before getting on stage I was so nervous everything was a blur. Many people have their own problems during their teenage years and I wasn't an exception. I grew up in a family of doctors, both my dad and older brother are doctors. My older brother is remarkable, he was always top 3. When he graduated from high school, because of his stellar performance, he received a special letter of endeavor from the president at that time. Although I was proud of having a brother like that, but I was under a lot of pressure. It was like no matter how hard I tried I couldn't catch up to him. The only thing that gave me confidence was music. At that time I really wanted to be a musician but I didn't dare speak. So during the teenage years one would often see themselves stuck between the expectations of adults and their own interests. Now I think I didn't have confidence. People should do what they want to do in order to do it good. And they will also become happier people.When I was young I was very slow! Although after I grew up I was better at sports, but when my brothers and I were young, we were the type of children who were clumsy. 'The ball is coming! Hit the ball' And then it hits your face, that kind. So when I went to P.E. class my classmates would always laugh at me. And then I was thin and small, it was like I had 'Please! Don't hit the ball over here!' on my face.In high school, mom was very strict with us. We had to report before going out and we had to be back by 12 o'clock. But I would always break the rules. I remember the worst time was when my friends invited me to see a ball game. We got on a bus, not thinking that the location of the game was in another city. When we came back after the game, the bus broke down and I was tired to death. When I got home it was already 2 o'clock in the morning. My mom was sitting in the guest room looking furious and I thought: 'I'm done for! Done for!' In the end...I was punished from going out for an entire month. I'm a person who gets myself into a dead end. Before a work is finished, I am unable to leave the room. I established a recording studio in Boston and I can stay there for a good few days. One side of the room is my bed and everything else is recording devices. I can shut myself in for a few days. If I come across dissatisfaction I bother me for the whole day, it's very uncomfortable. You can hear me groaning and moaning from outside. But when I produce a satisfying piece of work, you will see that I'm like a nutcase overwhelmed with happiness."

Leehom's School: Berklee

「波士顿有十一所大学,大部份都是学生,居民都是年轻人,是个很有学问,充满活力与梦想的城市」, Leehom说。Berklee音乐学院(Berklee College of Music)是世界上最大的一所独立音乐院校和首屈一指的当代音乐研究 中心,共有3,000多名学生及375多名教师,使Berklee音乐学院如同一个充满生气的音乐城。在此,聚集了来 自世界各地的音乐家和此界的专业菁英,加上学院本身的完善的设备,提供了全方位的学习经验,也增添了您音 乐生涯的契机与挑战。 学院自1945年成立以来,主要的目标之一始终是希望藉由音乐界的互动,能促进世界间的相互了解。为此, Berklee在致力推展海外学术计划的同时,也鼓励国际间各流派的音乐界人士来波士顿交流学习。 多年的努力,使Berklee成为一所名扬四海的音乐学府。在美国所有四年制的私立大学中,Berklee的外国学生 比例最高--有将近40%--学生来自70多个不同的国家。 Berklee音乐学院主要提供有十二门主修:Music Production and Engineering(音乐制作与录音工程)、Film Scoring (影片配乐)、Music Business / Management (音乐商业管理)、Composition(古典式作曲)、 Music Synthesis(合成音乐)、Music Education (音乐教育)、Music Therapy(音乐治疗)、Performance(表 演艺术)、Jazz Composition (爵士乐作曲)、Contemporary Writing and Production (当代音乐写作与编 曲)、Song Writing (歌曲创作)、以及独特的Professional Music (专业音乐人)主修。 学生们在此有许多的机会广泛地接触不同音乐风格,包括有:爵士乐、蓝调、摇滚乐、流行音乐、现代古典音 乐、以及世界各地的风俗音乐等等。Berklee音乐学院位于历史悠久的波士顿Back Bay,校园包括了十一栋建筑物,新的校舍扩大计划也仍在进行 中。在音乐制作与录音工程系里有十个具专业水准的录音室,学习中心和各系工作室里共有约100座的MIDI工 作台,以及数百种不同的合成器供使用。影片配乐系里也有六间作曲/剪辑室。拥有1,220个座位的演艺厅 (Berklee Performance Center)是美国东部最完善的音乐厅之一,每年有130多场师生演奏会,和各方的名 家音乐会在此举行;另外的四个音乐厅每年也有450多场的演出盛况。平时在校园里,有40间演奏室和250多间 个人练习室提供学生们排练的需要。Berklee音乐学院最珍贵的资产之一是它的师资阵容,由350多名资深的音乐家和教育家组成,包括有木管乐系 主椅/萨克斯风演奏家Bill Pierce、歌唱家Mili Bermejo、编曲家/制作人Richard Evans、制作人/多种器乐演 奏家Al Kooper、钢琴家/作曲家Joanne Brackeen、打击乐演奏家Dave Samuels、制作人/萨克斯风名家 Walter Beasley。学院的副校长由曾获得Grammy(葛来美奖)的打击乐演奏家Gary Burton担任。许多当代杰 出的音乐工作者都曾一度是Berklee的学子:Gary Burton、名制作人Quincy Jones、Steely Dan里的 Donald Fagen、吉他手John Scofield和Steve Vai、Aerosmith的鼓手Joey Kramer、流行歌手Bruce Hornsby、作曲家Branford Marsalis、萨克斯风名家Joe Lovano、和刚获1998年Grammy奖的新进歌手/键 盘手Paula Cole。多位来自中国和台湾的音乐界名人也曾在Berklee进修过,如歌唱家朱明英、钢琴演奏/编曲 人洪筠惠等。

"There are 11 colleges in Boston. Most of the people are students and the residents are young adults. It's a very educational city full of energy and dreams," said Leehom.Berklee College of Music is the world's largest independent music college and the premier institution for the study of contemporary music. The college contains more than 3,000 students and more than 375 faculty members who interact in an environment designed to provide the most complete learning experience possible, including all of the opportunities and challenges presented by a career in the contemporary music industry.Since it's establishment in 1945, one of its primary goals has been to foster international understanding through the medium of contemporary music. Young musicians come to Berklee from every corner of the earth to study music, and as a result, Berklee is a uniquely international college. Of all U.S. colleges and universities, Berklee has the largest percentage of undergraduate students from outside the U.S.—26 percent—representing more than 70 countries.Berklee offers students 12 majors: Music Production and Engineering, Film Scoring, Music Business / Management, Composition, Music Synthesis, Music Education , Music Therapy, Performance, Jazz Composition, Contemporary Writing and Production, Song Writing to Professional Music. At Berklee students have many opportunities to experience an extensive range of music styles including: jazz, blues, rock and roll, popular music, modern classical as well as music styles of the world and more. Berklee College of Music is located in Boston's historic Back Bay neighborhood, which includes in 11 buildings and plans for expansion are already in progress, Berklee's facilities include ten professionally equipped recording studios, more than 100 MIDI-equipped workstations and hundreds of synthesizers. The Film Scoring Department houses six fully equipped film/video scoring and editing labs. The 1,200-seat Berklee Performance Center (BPC), one of the East Coast's finest concert halls, is the site of more than 130 student and faculty concerts each year. The BPC is also the site of numerous performances presented by major concert promoters. In its other four recital halls, Berklee presents over 450 student concerts a year. Berklee students also have access to 40 ensemble rooms and more than 250 private practice rooms.One of Berklee College of Music's most precious assets is it's teachers and staff, made up of more than 350 experience musicians and teachers, including saxophonist Bill Pierce, vocalist Mili Bermejo, arranger/producer Richard Evans, producer/multi-instrument player Al Koopoer, pianist/composer Joanne Brackeen, vibraphonist Dave Samuels, producer/saxophonist Walter Beasley. The college's vice president is Gary Burton, former Grammy Award winner. Many famous musicians were students of Berklee including Gary Buron, producer Quincy Jones, Donald Fagen of Steely Dan, guitarist Jogn Scofield and Steve Vai, Aerosmith's drummer Joey Kramer, popular singer Bruce Hornsby, composer Branford Marsalis, saxophonist Joe Lovano, and 1998 Grammy Award winner singer/songwriter Paula Cole. Many artists from China and Taiwan's music world have also studied at Berklee such as vocalist Zhu Ming Ying, pianist/composer Hong Yun Hui, etc.

source: 力宏最速报

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